Written in Early Dec '06
So I know all of you have been waiting to know what I’ve been doing since here… Apart from spending rands and feeling so bad about it!!! Hey it’s not like I haven’t looked for work!!! In total I’ve applied for 13 jobs and only two have gotten back to me – the one was a no it was a long shot anyway) and the other one (Barclay Card) I’m still waiting for them to get back to me with a telephone interview…
So flying an international flight is BAD BAD news, apart from having 4 good bye drinks at the airport (and I choose to drink something that they have here) I got on the plane and want did they offer me?! Wine!!! So I had 3 or 4 (I can’t remember) glasses of chardonnay. MMMM nice food! Duck starter and lamb for mains with some funny yet good tasting egg dessert! So I tried to watch “the lad in the water” but I was too pissed and it was 11pm SA time anyway so in an attempt to get my self to
I spent the next 5 hours awake, looking at all the sleeping ppl, trying to watch movies – getting up and thinking whether I should throw up or not (I didn’t – I just don’t do that).
Next stress was landing – are they going to question me for like an hour? But I was lucky, armed with x-ray I went to the health check place, got passed and the kind man stamped my visa – the chick in front of me got the third degree… Now I was so lost, thank god for all the signs!!! BAGGAGE CLAIM here I come to wait for the huge, 28kg, big green bag! WOOHOO, it came thru relatively fast! Off I was with my stupid “one wheel not working you know how that can be” trolley. I must say thou that JHB is so much better in space and design than terminal one of Heathrow – it’s just plain ugly!!!
ARGH, I couldn’t see my uncle so after looking outside I went to buy an international calling card to call him. Long story short – I found him and we were off. Driving to
What else? COLD COLD COLD!!! Nah it really wasn’t as bad as I expected. The next day my aunt took me into town and she made me walk myself flat – mainly I was looking for a hat, gloves and a warm jacket – coz a huge 7kg army jacket an only be worn to so many places… I was really impressed with the pricing and selection that was offered in just a simple town. I think the best think for me thou was walking out into the market square between shopping complexes, and I saw these stunning old buildings bathing in a bright, rich, warm sun light.
SO now needless to say - I can handle my own on the busses and even know how to save money on them. I’ve been to the town museum which has this STUNNING shoe collection with a pair dating back to 300BC and it’s still intact, I know – no ways but it is really amazing. They also have an art gallery with some stunning paintings and drawings – beautifully framed and ready for purchase. Up stairs is the real art – all from really old schools – one is even from the 1400s and you can literally see how old it is – I was in awe. And just we you think it’s over there is another floor with a history of the town, I couldn’t read all of it but I’m get back sometime.
There is a park in every suburb and Abbington is the biggest, I’m so sad that I missed that autumn weeks – there were still trees with some leaves on – which is weird apparently. Everyone reckons isn’t pretty warm still and its gonna be really real cold this winter… hell anything’s colder than I’m used to!!!
Went to my first pub on Saturday with 2 cousins and 2 of my one cousins friends. I felt really weird coz there were like 3 ppl of colour around and all these white ppl dressed funny. The one thing here is some of the hairs styles!!! Eish!!! So after 3 drinks we went to an high end bar and after a few red bulls it was off to the only club tat would let us in – a gay club – for some music and pool. No where else would let us in apparently – well 3 of us coz they had takkies on. So this place was really small and shyt but the pool was 70p a game and we were too pissed to care about anything else, just the price of the pool made us stocked. And we was all too pissed so I got a ride in my first taxi – a real back cab, 5 of us and a 4 mile ride cost £11.30 – better than I expected but sharing is much more cheaper!
Bad news! I find myself saying yeah instead of ja. And what’s more is pl here don’t understand me – I mean really they are the ones with the accents!!!
And what else am I gonna do? Near future:
BTW – I brought this awesome 17” widescreen laptop, Intel Duo Core 2 processor, 1GB RAM, 100GB hard drive, HD mobile ready, wireless, Bluetooth, brightscreen movie quality 1440 x 900 resolution. It’s killer!!! All for £800, it’s so cool to have a £ sign on my keyboard!!! Next thing subscribe to skype!!!
What else is cool? Walking the streets and only having to worry about the cold and not getting raped, mugged or killed.
Oh ja! The music shops!!! Huge, for anyone that knows me and the problem that I have with LOOK AND LISTEN you can only imagine my issues with a music or cell phone shop on every corner!!!
And they’ve got pot noodles here!!! Not sure how many of you remember those… and pickled onion flavoured chips, the beef flavour is up to shit but…
What else? Oh my aunt is totally Xmas crazy, but Xmas has a different feel here – it feels traditional not so commercial, plus stuff is on like 20% mark down now on top of all the specials already… and me without a job!!! I’m really dieing without a job – y’ll should know me and that I hate doing “nothing” and hate being unproductive!
I got nothing left (look t pics)– but my brain is going into sleep mode, gotta mail y’ll tomorrow so getting up to Mac Donald’s for the “free” wireless that you have to buy a voucher to use… (Can you hear the tome or my voice?)
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