AAAAAAAAAAAAH, my legs are still sore. I've never felt my quad muscles hurt so bad!!!
Well as you can tell the third session of Boot Camp was trying. I think about 30% of the time was spent doing or holding squats. And of course the other time was spent doing push ups or running.
I seriously doubt whether I would make it as a solider! I tell you what after the running I'm finished and then I've got a dude up on my back and am doing squats, and I thought I could only do squats at 30kgs, well I now know I can do them at about 60kgs!
Now is the time that you think I'm totally ridiculous and stupid:
At about half way through the session it started to rain, neither fast nor slow (I think that's called medium pace) but the drops were huge!!! And I thought yip this is what I signed up for, it was great, really great. It was about 10 mins later that the sun came out while it was still raining, I wanted to say it was a monkey's wedding, but the Aussies and Brits would've just looked at me, so I smiled inside and thought sheepishly: this is what it's about, doing army exercises in the Queens park (Green Park) in the rain in London.
AWESOME. Life is what you make of it after all. If you don't have the map to guide you, better make sure you pick the right roads.