Saturday, May 19, 2007

Interesting Bit of Today

I saw a bird actually eating a worm. It's the first time in my life that I've ever seen that!
Ja, Ja whateva - I've never actually seen a bird eating a worm in real life (not that I can remember), it's one of those things you read in books or see pictures of.

Look ok - I'm sure I'm not the only one!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Interesting Bit of Today

Have you ever wondered why English pubs in the city have shelves and bigger than normal ledges on the outside?

Well it's because the pub can at times become too small inside especially on Thursday and Friday after-work-noons so people standing outside and use the 'ledges' as somewhere to place their drinks. I think more and more ppl are going to be doing that after 1 July as then the new law banning smoking in pubs and , restaurants WOOHOO for people who don't smoke...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Interesting Bit of Today

Two well dressed gentlemen, suits, fags and ties - wearing running shoes...

London is fascinating - I'm sure it's the only place a well dresses woman, good looking, hair done, make-ups on can carry a backpack as a bag....

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Boot Camp

I've been going to gym for 2 weeks now and wasn't really looking forward to going on Monday but I'm paying for it and well amongst other things i need the exercise. Well it's not like I'm fat or anything...

After having a decent day at work I was happy to go, you don't really enjoy going when you've got a headache. As I go into gym the receptionist asked if I was doing Boot Camp, an army style training session. A first I thought it was the session where you do a whole lot of weight training under instruction of a trainer, basically highly motivated gym training. Then I heard it was outside and it was really wet from raining. Oh well, I signed up...

I brought a shirt from reception to keep me just a tiny bit warm, armed with my towel, water bottle and gloves on hands I went to wait in the reception area. Ready for my mistake, it became evident that more pl had been caught in this trap. And I was really impressed to see that there were as many females as males. All rearing to go and ready to be mudded up we had 5 minutes to chicken out.

No-one chickened out and soon we were all following Capitan Carnage and Sergent Slaughter up the stairs and out into the wet. There were 15 people lead by guys in khaki green being shouted at while jogging to Victoria.
It was really fun to be part of something as a group and be participating all together. Everybody was smiling at us and getting out of our way, it must've been a right sight. All this in the wealthiest borough in the country. My ankle washurting, my calves were burning but my mind was smiling.
After fetching the ppl who were joining us from the Victoria gym we ran past Buck Palace (the Queen was home) and all the tourists started cheering us on - so this is what it feels like to run a marathon I thought. NICE.

Once in Green Park we ran around abit while Major Pain set up his Chelsea flags (I support Arsenal) in a square, we then ran around the square 4 times. This was the following schedule for the next hour:
Star jumps,
Frog jumps and sprinting,
Resistant exercises,
Sit ups,
Plank exercises,
Sprinting and lastly more stretching.

Yip I was buggered, I was seeing white spots and was light headed, but my body felt alive and terrific. It was excellent and during the exercises we had different partners. It was all very good, different from the norm and really motivating.

Will I do it again? Would anyone like to donate £25 for the nest 4 sessions?

Interesting Bit of Today

Waiting for the bus after catching the tube home, the bus was due in 3 mins.
After standing for around 1 min or so this auntie pulls up with her shopping bags. She goes to look at the time schedule display and I've got to imagine that it is saying 2/1 min(s) by this time.

So what does she do? Stands right in front of me and lights up. I thought how damn rude, if you are short at least light up next to someone short so that the smoke doesn't go straight up into the tall person's nose. Then she walks away, what the hell?! You could've just light up there!

But it was sweet sweet karma next: the best starts to pull up. This auntie then starts to puffle on her ciggie like an aeroplane was about to hit her. Every single breath was a puff on the smoke, I've got no idea how she didn't pass out. SO in 20secs her ciggie was down to half. This is where karma comes in - she wasted half a ciggie when she threw the rest of her tobacco plus butt of course on the floor, hee hee hee, SWEET SWEET karma!!!