Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Interesting Bit of Today


Waiting for the bus after catching the tube home, the bus was due in 3 mins.
After standing for around 1 min or so this auntie pulls up with her shopping bags. She goes to look at the time schedule display and I've got to imagine that it is saying 2/1 min(s) by this time.

So what does she do? Stands right in front of me and lights up. I thought how damn rude, if you are short at least light up next to someone short so that the smoke doesn't go straight up into the tall person's nose. Then she walks away, what the hell?! You could've just light up there!

But it was sweet sweet karma next: the best starts to pull up. This auntie then starts to puffle on her ciggie like an aeroplane was about to hit her. Every single breath was a puff on the smoke, I've got no idea how she didn't pass out. SO in 20secs her ciggie was down to half. This is where karma comes in - she wasted half a ciggie when she threw the rest of her tobacco plus butt of course on the floor, hee hee hee, SWEET SWEET karma!!!

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