So in an effort to meet new people and network off the network, I got together with a Renderosity mate. Apke aka ultimatemale.
I tell you what! What a lovely guy. You know how you're meeting someone for the first time and you think - oh no, I hope we get along or it's going to be a total waste of time? Well thank goodness neither of our time was wasted - sorry Apke I'm assuming you enjoyed my company

We met at Trafalgar Square and trotted off to St James's Park. Yes that's how you spell it, don't ask me why, I ain't the Queen. It was around sunset time and we were scouting scenes to shoot. Apke said that this was his first Landscape Outing, I still reckon he's fibbing...
As the sun was so low and skies overcast we were finding it hard to shoot the budding flowers and swimming birds.
What exactly do you call it when ducks and swans are doing the thing they do when on top of a body of water, floating about?
I knew that there was a bridge that crossed over the little lake and had stunning across water views of the Jubilee Walk that runs next to the Horse Guards Parade and of Buckingham Palace the opposite side. SO that was our next port of call where we spent a good hour and more. I think Akpe was having a hell of a lot of fun. When his first memory card got full, I think that was our indication to move on to the palace.
We walked up to the road leading into Buckingham Palace and while Akpe was standing in the middle of the road shooting (hee hee after walking into the path of an on coming black cab - he was just so excited) I was shooting him, well the whole mood/scene that is. I got this most awesome shot with a Volvo that was kind enough to stay still and make a lasting impression for me. I love light trails and tryig to get the full sequence of the green red and amber in my shutter timing.
After being denied the use of the Queen's toilet we aimed for Piccadilly Circus a mere 20 mins walk away and Akpe filled up on a burger and chips and I got myself soft serve with cookie pieces in < my mom's favourite.
We even sat for another 30 and more minutes chatting just getting on really well. And at 22h30 or there abouts decided to hop aon the tube and make our way home.
Thanx Akpe for being a great/cool dude. Look forward to the next meeting/outing.
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