Yes I know some of these will not come as a shock and some will, but most won't, I'll keep updating the list so if you'd like to RSS the feed, fell free. And to all the patriotic Brits, don't get your pants in a knot

South African Pros:
- Biltong - as if that wouldn't be on the top of the list, the UK has imported jerky, I advise you don't be a fool and buy it!!!
- Prices of food - if you sit back and look at the earning ratio to food prices, it's about the same % both ways but in conversion food in SA is much cheaper and take out is much tastier.
- The Sun - you can get a tan in DBN all year round and we all know that the African su is the strongest, making for nice hot summer days.
- Health Care - our government facilities may not have the newest equipment but if you need a scan or x-ray you don't have to go onto a 3 month waiting list, you've simply got to wait in the queue. And private facilities are much cheaper as is medical aid/insurance.
- Children - our children are exposed to the same amount and same styling of media yet are still 2 steps ahead on the discipline chain.
- Political Correctness - it can go to far and in the UK it has, everyone has to watch their P's and Q's it is crazy, no one has a sense of humour and takes everything personally.
- Location, Location, Location - coz we are a neutral country and at the bottom of the planet, we'd probably be one of the last hit countries in WW3.
England Pros:
- Pork Scratchings - you know pork fat fried in oil until it's fatter than it went in and all crispy. Mr Porky's scratchings are the bomb, not like SA's normally off junk.
- Fruit - with all fruit being imported, you get southern hemisphere fruit in winter and northern in summer so never a shortage of fruit plus it's all 1st grade, juicy and sweet. So when you buy it you don't have to think OMG am I gonna regret this nor do you have to stand for hours sorting thru the already gone bad fruit.
- Public Transport - not only is the system organised all bus stops are marked with times. Trains are less reliable but they are fast and there is never more than a 5min wait between each train during normal hours.
- Safety - you can walk home from the bus stop at 5am all by yourself and not have to feel unsafe, hell you can walk around during the day talking on your cellphone in one hand and mp3 player in the other without being worried that someone is going to jump out and mug/rape or kill you for £10 around the next corner.
- Men - apart from public transport, men always let woman in the door and out the door first as with lifts and escalators, in SA the average man will push you out of the way and look up your skirt as you fall. I've simply found English men to be more polite.
- Pavements - the UK pavement/footpaths are huge, probably to accommodate for the tourist traffic but it's nice.
- Litter - no one litters in most areas, most of the litter appears after a Sat night when you see multiple beer cans lying around other than that ppl hold onto their litter and wait for a bin, and trust me there ain't that many bins around - not like in SA were there are more bins than jobs in the country. It's refreshing to step into a civilized world.
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